Finally I am ready to move the contents of this blog (and many other things, including tons of new information on parasitoid wasps that I did not have time to share) to a new site. It can be accessed here:
The new site is not a blog but has a more flexible arrangement where new data can be accessed, explored and shared easily, and has many more features that we are still exploring. I write "we" because I am doing that new site altogether with Dr. Darren Ward (from Landcare Research, New Zeland... yes, the same researcher that led the paper on "the Hobbit wasps"). And hopefully more researchers would be interested to join!
We are using the Scratchpads platform (details on what Scratchpads is and what it can do were posted on this blog a while ago, and can be read here). We are still learning, and have not had the time yet to add everything we have prepared. But is coming bit by bit, and I encourage the reader to visit the new site, browse it and send us any feedback to make it better.
This new endeavour will be exclusively devoted to Microgastrinae parasitoid wasps, and their caterpillar hosts. Most of the contents of this blog will migrate to the new site, others will be edited and expanded in scope. In the meantime I will keep this blog online. But eventually it will disappear from the cyberspace...
We are learning with a new "toy", and it may take a few more weeks before the new site is fully set up. But we are trying our best to move it all as smooth and fast as possible.
Thank you very much for visiting us here, and we really hope you will follow us to the new site: